For postgraduate Law discontinuation dates, please see http://www.monash.edu/law/current-students/postgraduate/pg-jd-discontinuation-dates
For postgraduate Law unit timetables, please see http://law.monash.edu.au/current-students/course-unit-information/timetables/postgraduate/index.html
Learning outcomes
Apply knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of climate and its effects on enjoyment of internationally recognized rights of citizens;
Demonstrate the position of international law, in particular human rights law, on climate displacement and the rights of those affected;
Apply knowledge and understanding of climate governance and its inadequacies, and the key actors in this area, including UN agencies, national governments, civil society actors and affected communities;
Investigate, analyse and synthesise complex information, problems, concepts and theories in relation to climate governance and citizen justice
Conduct research in climate governance and citizen justice based on knowledge of appropriate research principles and methods; and
Use cognitive, technical and creative skills to generate and evaluate at an abstract level complex ideas and concepts relevant to climate governance and citizen justice.
Assessment summary
One research assignment (3,750 words): 50% and
One take-Home examination (3,750 words): 50%