This unit examines the way in which the international community tackles existing and future environmental problems (broadly defined), including new technologies and climate change, as well as hazardous waste disposal, animal welfare, etc. International obligations and Australian domestic obligations in respect of these various environmental issues will be examined, as … For more content click the Read More button below.
An important feature of the unit is to break down the partition between international environmental law and other areas of the law. For instance international climate change law does not operate in insulation from banking and finance; International biodiversity and animal welfare issues have to operate alongside international trade law; The health, environmental and human rights obligations of companies in a corporate social responsibility (CSR) context require insight into transnational litigation, including conflict of laws.
Chief Examiner(s)
Professor Marilyn Pittard
For postgraduate Law discontinuation dates, please see http://www.monash.edu/law/current-students/postgraduate/pg-jd-discontinuation-dates
For postgraduate Law unit timetables, please see http://law.monash.edu.au/current-students/course-unit-information/timetables/postgraduate/index.html
Previously coded as LAW7068
Assessment summary
Competency Hurdle: You must attend 80% of the classes in this unit.
If you fail to meet the hurdle, but would have otherwise passed the unit, you will be awarded a mark of 45 and an NH (hurdle fail) grade for the unit. If you fail to meet a hurdle and would have also failed the unit, you will be awarded your mark and an N grade for the unit.
1. Research assignment (4500 words): 60%
2. Take-home exam (3000 words): 40%
Workload requirements