Existing and emerging green technologies that assist in assessing, minimising and remediating the environmental impacts of people on the environment will be considered. The technologies covered will include water, soil and air quality maintenance, waste management, resource recovery, soil and water treatment and remediation and the carbon footprint of energy … For more content click the Read More button below.
Enrolment Rule
Chief Examiner(s)
Professor Philip Wai Hong Chan
Unit Coordinator(s)
Professor Antonio Patti
This unit will not be offered in 2020 or 2021
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:
Discuss the impacts of human activity on the environment;
Describe the role played by different technologies in the broad area of environmental management;
Critique the range of technologies and emerging green technologies, available for managing the state of the environment and human impacts on it and for minimising and remediating those impacts;
Evaluate the operating principles, applications, strengths and shortcomings of key technologies in surface water, groundwater, soil and air, quality management.
Assessment summary
Examination (2 hours and 10 minutes): 60%
Individual research project (1500 words): 15%
Reports on site visits (500 words each, up to six reports): 25%
Workload requirements
Availability in areas of study
Environmental science