
Computational science is the construction and application of mathematical models, simulation, numerical methods and data analysis techniques to solve scientific problems using computers. It is highly relevant to all scientific study as computational techniques, algorithms and data visualisation are now deeply ingrained in aspects of all sciences. This scope ranges … For more content click the Read More button below. Monash is the only Group of Eight university with a dedicated IT faculty. In computer science and information systems, Monash is consistently ranked amongst the top universities worldwide by international rankings. You will 'learn by doing', using cutting-edge technology in collaborative studio environments. You will learn to think creatively and analytically, from some of the world's best academics in the field. Computational science is now fundamental to all science disciplines. Gaining expertise in this field will enhance your job prospects and career potential in biological, physical, mathematical and biomedical science, and in the sciences related to the earth, atmosphere and environment. Computational science skills also have the potential to facilitate you moving into new discipline areas such as the humanities and creative arts where computational techniques are becoming increasingly relevant in fields such as social science, archaeology, architecture, music, and visual art. Availability Computational science is listed in S2000 Bachelor of Science, S3001 Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours) and S3002 Bachelor of Science Advanced - Research (Honours) at Clayton as a major, extended major or minor. The computational science minor, major and extended major are not available in the double degree course S2004 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Computer Science.

24 credit points

Supporting studies
Core level 1 sequence12 credit points
Additional computational science units12 credit points


Organisational contacts

Visit https://www.monash.edu/it/current-students/enrolment (Faculty of Information Technology)